Wednesday, November 28, 2007

No Plan B

Though it is late, I could not shake the urge to write here what God has shown me lately. This weekend, I went to my mom's church, a new branch of Calvary Chapel by her house. Man, did God want me there on Sunday.

The message was taken from Acts 27. Paul is a prisoner on a ship that gets caught in a treacherous storm. Basically, Paul tells the Roman soldiers on board that unless everyone stays on the boat and rides through the storm, they will not survive. In response to this, the soldiers cut the ropes of the row boats (I don't remember the technical term for the little boats that take you from the ship to the shore). Doing this, they eliminated any other option that they might have in case God did not keep His promise. There was no Plan B. God was all they had.

So I am going to eliminate my Plan B. God is my only hope...and He happens to be the best hope of all. I wait with expectation of salvation and abundant life (for today and tomorrow).

Oh and they were saved and stuff. :)

He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself.

All to His glory,
