Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Regional Conference, Righteousness, and Other Stuff

So every year the Sunland Navigators have a regional conference in Pine Valley, California. This year was amazing. The theme was remembering.

A Few Highlights:

-Riding in the car with Ashley Stephenson on the way to California :)
-Kyu Ho's talk on Friday night about the righteousness we have through Christ
-Seeing friends from my time in Japan
-SWEET time in the Word with Jesus
-Breakfast with Krista Morrison, my Bible study leader from last year
-Clarity and guidance for future plans
-Lunch with some sophomores from UA, Diana, and Kyu Ho, his wife Tara (I think), and their daughter
-San Diego beach with a couple sophomores from UA, Ashley Stephenson, and Kyleigh
-Dinner with people who love Japan, people who are interested in Japan, and lots of Japan-related conversation
-Seeing Susan! Que surprise!
-Meeting and talking with Nana, a foreign exchange student from Chuo University in Tokyo, where we did BEST club over the summer
-a workshop on girl/guy relationships led by Dustin and Lori Butler
-hugging and praying with Liz at 1:30am
-Every school cheering for University of Hawaii (new ministry, first conference) :)

A couple shots of us jumping on the beach:

From Left to right: Kyleigh, Kat, me, Ashley S., and Angela

And: Kyleigh, Me, Angela, Kat
I loved it. ^_^


Susan said...

It was way awesome to see you! See you again on Friday! ^~

Christy said...

friday?! what?!