Thursday, January 15, 2009

In a slightly surprising turn of events...

I'm applying for EDGE Corps. I'm really excited about it, actually.

My heart is for Japan and Italy. I love my friends in Japan, and I want (want feels like an underestimation) to go back. I love Italy and Italian, and I want (underestimation again) to go there.

However, I remain undecided between the two. Very 50/50.

So, I was sitting there considering this...and God goes, "EDGE?" And I said, "Whoa, EDGE. I haven't thought about that in a while...that's a good idea. You're the best, Jesus."

I want more training here. Also, I have the opportunity with EDGE to do another summer missions trip.

In short, unless I feel very strongly one way or the other (Japan or Italy) by March, I doing EDGE Corps. Oh, adventures with my God. :)


Christy said...

wow! that's great!

I love God's relationship with you and how he talks to you like that...and how you share it with us :)