Monday, September 28, 2009

New favorite words...and old ones I never really thought about...

antediluvian: literally, before the flood. as in ancient.
caprice: impulse. it's funny because capers were considered to be aphrodisiacs.
craven: cowardly. And quoth the craven nevermore.
diffident: modest. I'm not cool, I'm just diffident.
disparaging: belittling. I knew this word, but never thought about it much. It's cool because "dis-" means "not" or "making not", and the root comes from the same as the Italian "paragone", meaning "comparison". Therefore, to disparage something or someone is to act as if or to declare it as not equal or comparable to its peer. It's a pretty intense word, actually.
dissemble: to conceal one's real motive. It has the same root as the Italian "sembrare", meaning "to seem". Thus, the word means "to make seem as not".
equivocal: ambiguous. From the same root as "quiver".
extant: still existing. "ex-" meaning "out" and "-ant" makes it a noun. Thus, it means "the thing that is out".
peccadillo: small sin or fault. from "peccato", or "sin", which comes from "cadere", or "to fall".
tirade: an angry speech. from the same as "tirare", meaning "to tear".
volatile: explosive, fickle. from the same as "volare", meaning "to fly".

Esoteric words are not that intimidating when you see how people made them up. Then it's kind of funny.

I'm studying for the GRE.


Susan said...

DUDE! I am totally studying for the GRE, too! haha What are you planning to do grad school in, and where??

I also found peccadillo in my vocab studyings. That is a fun one... :D

By the way, I've been wanting to know...what's going on in your life lately??????????? Call me or sent me a message!!!! I miss you! Daisuki dayo! :D

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

You inspire me Ashley Axup. The end.

Lynelle said...

cool words!
I've always liked antideluvian.

You do know it's the raven that says "nevermore", yes?
Although, craven is used also:

Then this ebony bird beguiling my sad fancy into smiling,
By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance it wore,
`Though thy crest be shorn and shaven, thou,' I said, `art sure no craven.

Ghastly grim and ancient raven wandering from the nightly shore -
Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night's Plutonian shore!'
Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

Ashley Axup said...

Hahahaha, yes. I meant it to be a rhyming pun on a (cowardly) bird. Thus, illustrating the meaning of the word raven in a memorable way.


Lynelle said...

Well, see. My mistake.
I underestimated your intellectual abilities!
Well done.

mkarolak said...

Ashley - I read the post and thought, wow those sound like my GRE words....haha and then got to the end! I took it last Saturday! Good luck!

Matt Karolak

Anonymous said...

interesting article. I would love to follow you on twitter. By the way, did you hear that some Iranian hacker had hacked twitter yesterday.